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1.C1 - Trainers Training for the “Worker at Water Management Business” educational program
2.C2 - Trainers Training for the “Locksmith” education program
3.C3 - Trainers Training for the “Sewer” educational program
4.C4 - Trainers Training for the “Mason” educational program
5.C5 -Trainers Training for the “Retail Worker” educational program
6.C6 - Trainers Training for the “Wholesale Worker” educational program
7.C7 – Pilot testing of the “Water Management Business Worker” educational program
8.C8 - Pilot testing of the “Locksmith” educational program
9.C9 - Pilot testing of the “Autosattler” educational program
10.C10 - Pilot testing of the “Plasterboard installer” educational program
11.C11 - Pilot testing of the “Retail Worker” educational program
12.C12 - Pilot testing of the “Wholesale Worker” educational program